Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Speaks Out Against Offshore Outsourcing

Source: CIO

By Patrick Thibodeau

Obama said that as president, he "will stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America."
Economists and legal advisors contacted about those comments said they are unaware of any specific tax breaks aimed at offshoring tech jobs. Instead, they said, Obama may be targeting broader tax deferment strategies, such as the ability of multinational firms to avoid taxes on profits by moving money overseas.
Joe Greco, director of California State University-Fullerton's Center for the Study of Emerging Markets, discounted the impact of tax code changes on the broader offshore trend. "Any plans for a tax code change are like trying to plug a hole in a leaky dam with your finger—to believe the U.S. government tax code promotes outsourcing is a major misconception of the fiery debate around outsourcing offshore," he said.
But Obama could have more success fighting the shift of jobs overseas through the second half of his point—by creating incentives for companies to add jobs in the U.S, said Greco. "If you want to be a magnet, you can be a magnet," he said.
Indeed, Jim Harvey, the partner and co-chair of the global technology and outsourcing practice group at
Hunton & Williams LLP in New York, said state and local governments can be very active in creating incentives to retain jobs, including tying a particular number of jobs to the size of a tax break. Such incentives, he said, can make a difference for some clients. "Incentives to keep jobs on shore, targeted at the IT industry, would make a lot of sense," Harvey said.
But tax breaks to keep jobs in the U.S. don't always work. The Nielsen Co., recently
gave up local tax breaks it received in Florida after it hired an India-based firm.
If Obama plans to keep giving attention to offshore outsourcing, he is hitting an issue that is having a major effect on tech workers. In what may be the largest study of its kind, involving 10,000 workers and human resources professionals across a range of occupations, researchers at the New York University Stern School of Business and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania found that 8 percent of IT workers in the U.S. have been displaced.
The study was released last week.

Offshore Outsourcing India and Ecommerce Development in India

From: Technoinfonet

Written by wbedesignindia
Techno Infonet provides
offshore Outsourcing and Ecommerce Development Solutions in a professional way with the right combination of quality, service & support. You get the highest quality; Designing work. It also offers services such as Email marketing, SEO in India.
Techno Infonet is a unique Web Design firm offering a variety of services from basic HTML Website Designs to complete E-commerce Website development. We have created and launched many of successful Websites since our origin; our designers and developers can work on your ideas and implement them on your Websites to strengthen your presence on Internet.
Ecommerce is said to be the transaction done through the electronic means with most of Internet base and some of CD-Rom catalogue also.
We have been providing
offshore Outsourcing highly Complex white label service to other Web Design Services Provider in the UK, GERMANY, USA and Australia and Canada.
Techno Infonet develops innovative
E-Commerce Development Techno provides the complete E-Commerce solution to get your business up and running online. Our affordable E-Commerce Website Design solutions are quick and easy to exercise. Nevertheless our highly creative web designs and Ecommerce solutions offer you a podium to present your self globally.
Techno Infonet with the base at India is a professional
Web Designing Company. Our Web Designers focus on quality features of Web Design, Email Marketing and Multimedia Presentation. Company confers services such as Logo Designing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in order to enhance the overall look of the Brand.
By providing an effective and efficient customized
E-commerce solution as per our customer’s requirements we try to enhance the degree of easiness in our customers, which eventually augment the level of satisfaction.
This has been provided courtesy of TECHNO – in best-in-class Website Design, E-commerce development solution, Flash multimedia designing, logo designing and thus in ultimate Corporate Identity.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Offshore Software Development and IT Outsourcing

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Source: Amazines
The growing business needs and market place have increased the importance of offshore services. Outsourcing has become an integral part of businesses related with investments, foreign trade, financial and broker operations, transfer operations, currency dealing and foreign property management, web application and software development to benefit the companies from all industries and of all sizes.
It is true that software development is considered as the most technical and complex area of specialization. Many companies face difficulty while exploring possibilities for developing the right kind of software for many reasons. Offshore software development is the smartest option to get the right services at the right time. Getting affordable software solutions is the best way to minimize the risk involved in the process and to increase the profits for the businesses.

Offshore software also saves a great deal of time, which is something that most businesses lack. Also, you can save your money spend on developing and maintaining various kinds of resources and equipments. In addition, you need not to hire experts to provide the right service at the right time. In other words, in-house software development equals serious investment before benefits can be reaped, if any.

Offshore Software Development Company Contacting to the right software development company is the most economical and advantageous thing you can do to fulfill your software related needs. Besides getting the most desired services, you can easily match the prices as per your requirements. Offshore development allows you to get the useful software to be delivered rapidly and continuously, to the customers' satisfaction. Accessing to the time-effectiveness is another close benefit of agile scrums in offshore software development. It will further allow a close collaboration between developers and companies, adaptation to changing and developing circumstances. Search over the internet thoroughly to get the best results within your budgets.

The author of this article is a professional writer for Software Development services, an emerging IT company offering customized solutions including Offshore Software Development and Web Site Graphic Design, search engine optimization and flash development India for clients around the world.

Software Development India

Source: Articlesbase
Written by : Vaibhav Aggarwalit
hThe image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. the development of the internet, many new areas in software development have been opened in India to offer the best for clients. Software development in India has coma a long way to satisfy the growing demands of software needs of the growing businesses. Large English speaking population, lower cost manpower and technically skilled knowledge are considered to be the base of the growth of the software development India. The destination India is becoming a hot market for getting all kinds of web solutions including creating database, making user-friendly software by using ongoing technologies like PHP and Dot net. 
The offshore software development India market has been growing at the continuous rate of 30% to give its clients total satisfaction and attractive results. In addition, offshore software development India has lead to gain considerable business margins and profitability for businesses across the world. As a result, many major corporations are transferring their work to India to get the better quality in a restricted time frame. As an attractive web solution destination, Indian IT companies have proved their skills and expertise in catering the business needs of foreign companies with their creative unique solutions.
Factors Contributing Success of Offshore Software Development India
Offshore software development India is going through its golden period. It has become one of the greatest contributors in the national development of the country. Let us look into the reasons for the success of offshore software development in India.
Skilled Workforce
India is having the world’s largest English speaking population. The country has equal number of technically skilled workforce to provide the best web solution to provide the best solution for the emerging businesses. 
Indian standard time is about 12 hours behind the timing of the U.S. and UK, where major big companies seeking applicable web solutions are situated. The difference in timing gives the advantage to finish the work on time and increase efficiency.
Government Support
Seeing the current market trend, the government has taken many initiatives that support the smooth functioning of the growing IT companies, which provide web solutions for foreign clients. 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pressure on outsourcing
Source: Rediffnews
James Fontanella-Khan
India's celebrated IT outsourcing industry, which contributes about 25 per cent of the country's total exports, is feeling the pinch as it struggles to deal with the avalanche effects of the global financial crisis.

The National Association of Software Services Companies (Nasscom), India's software services lobby, this week added to the gloom by downgrading the sector's export revenue growth to 17 per cent from 21 per cent for the year ending March 2009, as demand from developed markets fell.

IT executives are trying to talk down the revised growth outlook, as they argue that their companies are still outperforming other industries in India. However, this did not stop Ganesh Natarajan, the chairman of the Nasscom, from asking the government for help to stimulate growth "by extending fiscal incentives to this industry".

Mr Natarajan's demand for state aid suggests there could be more bad news in the pipeline for an industry whose corporate integrity has been questioned after revelations of an alleged $1bn fraud at Satyam Computer Services [Get Quote].

Several IT services analysts believe that a 10 per cent growth rate for the sector is a more realistic figure, as demand from the US, which accounts for more than 60 per cent of the industry's export revenue, is not going to pick up until late 2009. Industry leaders, such as Infosys [Get Quote] and Tata Consultancy Services [Get Quote], will have to be creative to outperform their expectation.

Worries grow about Obama's outsourcing policies

Source:Rediff News

By Mehul Srivastava

After a decade of outsourcing helped transform India into much of the world's back office, Indians are worried that President Obama's new Administration - and the slowdown in the global economy - will cast a shadow over one of the fastest-growing sectors of their economy.

Obama's $787 billion stimulus plan will make it increasingly difficult for US companies receiving bailout money to hire foreigners on temporary work permits known as H-1B visas. The budget the President recently presented may also make it harder for US companies that send jobs overseas to receive tax benefits.

In India, where the $63 billion IT sector makes up almost 7 per cent of the national GDP, the moves are worrying government officials. Acting Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee groused about it over the weekend in an interview with CNN-IBN, a content partnership with Time Warner's CNN owned by India's TV18. "We will have to address this issue," said Mukherjee, whose ministry has spent the last five months trying to restart India's slowing economy with tax cuts and spending plans. "We are opposing protectionism, not only here but at every forum."

Monday, March 16, 2009

India needs a lot more love from Obama

Source: Shadow Foreign Policy

By Dan Twining

In 1998, President Clinton flew over Japan without stopping to spend nine days in China. This led to acute concern in Tokyo over "Japan passing" -- the belief that Washington was neglecting a key Asian ally in favor of the region's rising star, China. Is the same thing happening today -- not with Japan, destination of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's first overseas trip, but with India?

The construction of a strategic partnership with India was arguably President Bush's signal foreign policy accomplishment. Decades of estrangement between the world's largest democracies gave way to a strategic breakthrough akin to President Nixon's visit to China in 1972. Senior Bush administration officials believed that India could emerge as America's most important international partner over coming decades, given India's growing capabilities and a congruence of interests in defeating global terrorism, managing China's rise, sustaining an open global economy, and securing our common values.

For its part, the government of Manmohan Singh literally put its survival on the line for the United States, subjecting itself to a confidence vote in parliament in order to move forward with the civil nuclear cooperation agreement. Few other countries -- including America's closest allies -- have passed such a test.

But signs of trouble in U.S.-India relations emerged early on Barack Obama's road to the White House. As a Senator, he offered a killer amendment to restrict nuclear fuel supply to India during consideration of the civilian-nuclear agreement, which the Bush administration and India's supporters in Congress had to work hard to defeat.

During the presidential campaign, he revealed that he had asked Bill Clinton to consider serving as a special envoy for Kashmir in an Obama administration, alarming Indians in the way that Americans might be alarmed if the European Union offered to send a senior envoy to mediate between Mexico and the United States over the status of Texas.

Candidate Obama also pledged, if elected, to push for U.S. ratification and global entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. This issue, more than any other, divided the United States and India in the 1990s, especially when the United States and China -- which had helped sponsor Pakistan's nuclear and missile programs targeting India -- ganged up on India at the United Nations to press it to accept the test ban.

India frets over Obama's Chinamania
Source:Asia Times
By M K Bhadrakumar

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechen's visit to Washington this week is notable for three reasons. One, Yang is paying a return visit in a little over a fortnight of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Beijing. The intensity of the US-China traffic is indeed extraordinary by diplomatic norms. China seems to have blithely overtaken the traditional allies of the US, such as Germany and Japan.

Two, Yang's visit coincides with the 50th anniversary of the uprising in Tibet. Washington doesn't seem to be bothered at the coincidence. It is actually underscoring its current priorities in the US's relations with China. Tibet is an issue that arouses some animated passion in certain American circles. The US Congress and State Department have paid heed to these public sentiments

while Beijing on its part has duly regretted the US statements, but both sides are confident that life must move on.

Clinton made it clear during her Asian tour last month that neither Tibet nor Taiwan can be allowed to impede the serious business of Sino-US relations in the current world scenario characterized by the economic crisis.

Three, Yang's visit has been envisaged as a significant input in the run-up to the Group of 20 (G-20) summit meeting on April 2 in London. True, the US is widely consulting other countries for opinions on solving the economic crisis. But, again, the criticality of Chinese input for the US is self-evident from the fact that Yang has a scheduled meeting with US President Barack Obama.

But viewed from New Delhi
, Yang's visit assumes an entirely different color. The intensity of US-China traffic is in sharp contrast with the virtual absence of high-level political exchanges between the Indian leadership and Obama. So much so that the former director for South Asia in the National Security Council in the George W Bush administration, Xenia Dormandy, penned an article on Wednesday in The Christian Science Monitor precisely focusing attention on the subject.

Dormandy played a key role in coordinating the July 2005 landmark visit of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the US that led to the new US-India strategic relationship. Titled somewhat exaggeratedly - "India: America's indispensable ally" - her article made an impassioned plea that "Obama's team would be wise not to forget it [India]". Dormandy pointed out that in foreign policy, "[The] Obama administration has started with a full sprint. Between the financial crisis and events in Afghanistan, Iran and Russia, and elsewhere, it's had to. But in rushing ahead to confront one crisis after another, it risks forgetting a crucial friend: India."

India's first contact with the Obama administration has been in the nature of Foreign Office consultations, when the Indian foreign secretary visited Washington this week. Reading between the lines, the picture that emerges from the reports of the consultations in Washington is that the US-India relationship is entering a phase of lull..........

Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

(Copyright 2009 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Outsource Software Development Using Rentacoder
Source: Articlesbase
The existence of the
Internet and the facilities that this industry offers us has forever changed the way the world handles its affairs and ultimately has forever modified the way most companies conduct their businesses. Due to the Internet, companies can now have the choice of hiring people from all over the world to do some specific work that they cannot handle. This reduces costs for the company and assures it at the same time that the job will be done properly.

Due to drastic change that human resources has thereby suffered, becoming more fluid, a place where outsource software development was accessible to all people was necessary. To our delight, most people and companies nowadays solve problems that we did not even know we had. Outsource software development using rentacoder is the fastest solution companies today have. It reduces costs significantly; it assures the company that the best people on the job will satisfy their software development needs and, most importantly, the services are easy to locate due to a specialized site, rentacoder, which has a big network of businesses.

Outsource software development using rentacoder is the easiest and most convenient way that companies have these days. The times when companies had to invest a lot of time and money into training people to resolve software development problems is long gone. Nowadays, outsource software development using rentacoder is the golden solution that companies just have at the tip of their fingers. Freelance professionals from all over the world are more than ready to bid on your projects, saving you a lot of time and more importantly a lot of money, for prices can always be kept down as long as it is in both parties’ interest. Outsource software development using rentacoder is probably the most cheap and efficient method that a company can choose and when the results are more than pleasing, I believe it is the best choice that a company can make.

Because outsource software development using rentacoder involves people of different nationalities, who speak different languages, there is the possibility of problems arising because of the lack of proper and accurate communication. Rentacoder arbitration is the solution for these problems. Arbitration is the determination of a dispute by a referee, an impartial one that both parties agreed on. Whenever problems appear due to different factors, rentacoder arbitration is the solution that is offered to you. It is very important to know this aspect and to agree with it, because it is one of the terms you have to say yes to when deciding that the best solution for your company is outsource software development using rentacoder.

All in all, in a world where problems are often without solutions and you can find everything you desire only one click away, the best solution that a company can opt for in order to achieve its goals is to choose outsource software development using rentacoder. Not only time and money will be saved, but you will realize that you have made the right choice once the results start showing. Moreover, if ever a dispute shall arise, rentacoder arbitration is the solution offered by the party involved, a solution that can only be in the best interest of all people involved.

For more resources about Outsource software development using rentacoder or even about rentacoder arbitration please review

Why China for Outsourcing?
Betty Zhang
Why China for Outsourcing?

– Large Scale (presenting splendid opportunities for the potential, large domestic markets)
– New emphasis on Education System
– Aggressive plans to broaden English-speaking capabilities
– Up-to-date and growing Infrastructure
– Liberalization of laws, policies and the Government Incentives
– Burgeoning middle class
– Opportunity to be a fast follower by learning from the Indian and other leading countries` experiences, avoiding their mistakes and accelerating progress
– WTO Entry and Oversight
– Large multi-nationals already manufacture in China

Why Chinese Outsourcing Companies?– Diversifying away from existing regions in the world

– Lack of resources and/or high turn over in other countries
– CMM certifications now in process within certain Chinese companies
– Improved corporate governance, risk management and compliance
– Talent pool needed for large projects
– Favorable business environment

Finally, the reality is that the Chinese outsourcing services industry has its challenges, but is also has the devoted interest of a very goal-oriented government that has made one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Blend in China’s many other assets and reality looks quite promising.--from neoIT research of “The China Reality Check” in June 2005.

Author: Betty Zhang from